i enjoy music, it will probably be integrated into most posts and probably running through my head as i write. i've realized the other day that i have a tendency to fall in and out of love with the world quite often.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

this is ridiculous.

in case you haven't heard of this (http://www.cnn.com/2008/US/03/25/walm...) case i'm going to tell you how fucked it is.

a walmart employee was in a horrific accident caused permanent mental damage.
yes horrible.
so the woman sued with walmart on her behalf and...
VICTORY!! she wins $470,000.
that is awesome.

she hadn't realized (how the fuck would she??) that in walmart fine print it states that the can seize any money won in court.
SO MOTHER FUCKING WALMART THAT MAKES BILLIONS took this poor women's money that she needed since she can't work any.

so i have decided i will i never associate myself with such a ridiculously corrupted corporation.

now please tell everyone you know of this travesty and decide for yourselves whether or not you feel you should support them.

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