well it's been quite some time but here are those i like best for the entire year.
THE 10.
1. MGMT - Oracular Spectacular
if i had a list of favorite albums of the year i'm sure this would be near the top. all the songs are creative in their own way and still amazing. if you don't have this buy it now.
2. Vampire Weekend - Vampire Weekend
even though, admittedly i didn't want to like this band [because i thought bands with "Vampire" in the name could never be good], i love this CD and am often found asking "Who gives a f*ck about an Oxford Comma??"
3. Coldplay - Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends
just when i had given up on bands that had made it into the mainstream Coldplay slaps me in the face with this album so good i thought i'd never stop listening to it, and thankfully i haven't.
4. Crystal Castles - Crystal Castles
where would my list be without a healthy dose of 8-bit techno?? you know your good when your signing song was "accidentally" recorded.
5. Kanye West - 808s & Heartbreak
say what you will of the man's "lackluster" performance of single "Love Lockdown". it. is. Kanye. West. the man is a musica genius, he could remix "Twinkle
Twinkle Little Star" and i would still pay $0.99 for it on iTunes
6. The Killers - Day & Age
i sadly was a fare the weather fan, only after the SNL performance did i realize the caliber of this record.
7. Lil Wayne - Tha Carter III
this album is quite frankly the shit. it's awesome and you can't even deny you bump to the futuristic abum with hits like "A Mili". he is the future...
as long as he doesn't drop the f*cking ball.
8. British Sea Power - Do You Like Rock Music?
yes, yes we do. this album is so good it gives me British envy.
9. What Made Milwaukee Famous - What Doesn't Kill Us
if you're anything like me, it's possible, you will have had "Sultan" stuck happily in your head permenetly at least until you started questioning the band's name.
10. Katy Perry - One of the Boys
dear everyone, i am sorry, i am sorry if you are unable to handle the enormous pop of this album but that is the best thing about it. her beats are so catchy, i only wish i didn't have to share her with everyone else.
dear Radiohead, i wish i could have included In Rainbows and of course it would have been at number one but you released it 3 days before the new year. :[[
anyway that is that and i think i''ll start posting again, that was funnn.